Running Ringpop

Learn how to incorporate Ringpop into your application.

Running with tick-cluster

tick-cluster is a utility located in the scripts/ directory of the Ringpop repo that allows you to quickly spin up a Ringpop cluster of arbitrary size and test basic failure modes: suspending, killing and respawning nodes.

To use tick-cluster, first clone the repo and install Ringpop’s dependencies:

$ git clone
$ npm install

Then run tick-cluster:

$ ./scripts/tick-cluster.js [-n size-of-cluster] [-i interpreter-that-runs-program] <ringpop-program>

tick-cluster will spawn a child process for each node in the cluster. They will bootstrap themselves using an auto-generated hosts.json bootstrap file and converge on a single membership list within seconds. Commands can be issued against the cluster while tick-cluster runs. Press h or ? to see which commands are available.

Whenever it is specified, the program is run by an interpreter, otherwise the program should be a binary. The cluster size defaults to 5.

Here’s a sample of the output you may see after launching a 7-node cluster with tick-cluster:

$ ./scripts/tick-cluster.js -n 7 -i node ./main.js
[init] 11:11:52.805 tick-cluster started d: debug flags, g: gossip, j: join, k: kill, K: revive all, l: sleep, p: protocol stats, q: quit, s: cluster stats, t: tick
[cluster] 11:11:52.807 using to listen
[init] 11:11:52.818 started 7 procs: 76365, 76366, 76367, 76368, 76369, 76370, 76371

Running from the command-line

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